Thursday, January 8, 2009

CNN- Yes, they're the best political team on television

The anchors and commentators on CNN, especially Wolf Blitzer, were seemingly the first worldwide news station to deam themselves The Best Political Team on Television.

And I agree.

But a few questions spark:

1. Why does Wolf Blitzer get to have a beard? No one else does... Except possibly Candy Crawley before her weekly trip to the salon.

2. Why doesn't Jack Cafferty wear a jacket? And is The Cafferty File an actual top secret file he's handed in an abandoned Olive Garden parking lot?

3. What the flying fuck is wrong with Lou Dobbs's teeth?

4. Seriously CNN? You gave D.L. Hughley a show?

5. Why can't Anderson Cooper 360 be on ALL DAY? I love that deliciously investagatory, Armani-wearing, Britney-bashing, silver fox homosexual.

6. This isn't really a question. But Dana Bash reminds me of one of those rubber squeezy dolls whose eyes look like they're about to pop out any second.

7. Why is Ann Coulter so against us liberals? She's obviously a post-op transgender, and should really stand behind the LGBT community.

8. UGGHHHHH Ann Coulter's snaky knee highs and mini-skirts.

All right, well now thinking about CNN is just pissing me off.

Rachel Maddow should transfer to CNN, and have her own show with Ann Coulter, Maddow v. Coulter, in which Ann Coulter says something absolutely atrocious about the victims of 911, calls Rachel a dyke, then is kicked in her man-ish face repeatedly by Rachel Maddow's Converse.

Call me up CNN. I'm willing to sell this idea, AND direct the show. I would work pro-bono if I was A-Coop's wardrobe assistant. The phone is clear CNN!

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